Spiritual Growth & Development
God placed us in this world for a reason, yet, as Christians, we oftentimes lose sight of His purpose in our struggles through life. We commonly fall into the trap of “seeking comfort, not character”, even though God promises to use our experiences as a way to “train us in righteousness.”
This section is dedicated to provide resources and support for unique emotional, relational and spiritual experiences that we commonly face in life.

Common Things I Help With in My Office...
“I struggle to find a sense of direction and peace in my life.”
“I often feel angry towards God and judge myself for not trusting Him.”
“I have experienced so much pain and loss, that I have a hard time believing it’s worth risking love again.”
“How am I supposed to forgive them when they won’t even acknowledge my pain.”
“I am so stuck in worry, fear and doubt, that I lose hope in what God promises us.”
Featured Readings
Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way, by Gary Chapman
As with his other books, Gary Chapman offers excellent insight and spiritual wisdom, yet it is written with very practical tips and application to every day life.
Recovering from the Losses of Life, by H. Norman Wright
I highly recommend this for those looking to understand the emotional and spiritual effects that life’s unexpected changes have on us all. Writing from his own experience, Wright covers such issues as the meaning of grief, blaming God, and learning how to express and share in times of loss
Forgiveness is a Choice, by Robert Enright
Written by Dr. Enright, a local UW-Madison researcher in the study of Forgiveness, this book is a top resource for those wanting to experience the power of forgiveness. By helping you focus on a particular area of unforgiveness in your life, Forgiveness is a Choice promotes deep reflection and personal application of the research proven concepts.
Love and Logic Magic for Lasting Relationships, by Fay and Hawkins
If you are familiar with the Love and Logic approach, or if you are looking for simple yet effective ways to practice healthy communication and boundary skills in adult relationships, this book will be a good resource for you. Co-authored by David Hawkins (Christian author) and Jim Fay (Love and Logic co-founder), this book will focus on eight specific skills that are similar to the Love and Logic approach for children, yet used in the context of a respectful, loving adult relationship setting and will help you create a personal plan to apply and practice mastering each skill.
Featured Articles & Posts
"Trials Are No Match for God's Grace"
Written by: Matthew Jacobson
Linked from: http://matthewljacobson.com/
"Seeing God in New Ways: Recovery from Distorted Images of God"
Written by: Juanita Ryan
Linked from: www.nacr.org
"There Has Never Been an Easter Sunday Without a Good Friday First"
Written by: Justin Bangert
Linked from: www.christiancounselingjustinbangert.blogspot.com
“The Truth About Money and Relationships”
Written by: Dave Ramsey
Linked from: www.daveramsey.com