Sexual Integrity- Stuggling with Integrity
In today’s world we are continuously bombarded with messages and temptations of unhealthy sexuality and “cheap intimacy”. Yet, as Christians, we are called to a greater journey and commitment to not only our relationships, but to ourselves.
This section is aimed to equip you with knowledge and truth of the sexual struggles that can desperately damage the life you live.
Common Things I Help With in My Office...
“I’ve struggled with pornography for most of my life, and it’s time I finally face it.”
“I’ve been able to keep it a secret for most of my life, yet I can’t keep living this lie.”
“My spouse doesn’t meet my needs as much as I want them to, so I struggle with being faithful in lust or in flesh.”
“My spouse recently found inappropriate material on my computer, I don’t know how to help her trust me again.”
“I’ve had drastic consequences happen and I don’t want to lose the people I love most in my life.”
“I want to help prevent my child from struggling with this issue and don’t know the best way to help them.”

Featured Readings
Healing the Wounds of Sexual Addiction, by Mark Laaser
From the leading Christian expert in sexual addiction, this book is a great starting point for understanding the intricacies of sexual addiction in men. Sensitive to the shame of sexual addiction without minimizing its sinfulness, Dr. Mark Laaser traces the roots of the problem, discusses its patterns and impact, and maps out a biblical approach to self-control and sexual integrity.
Out of the Shadows, by Dr. Patrick Carnes
From the pioneering researcher and original author on sexual addiction, this book and it’s supplemental workbook Facing the Shadows, is highly recommended for those in treatment for sexual addiction.
Every Man’s Battle, by Arterburn, Stoeker, & Yorkey
I recommend this book for men battling sexual integrity issues, yet those who don’t consider it as an addiction in their life. The authors offer practical and spiritually based strategies that focus on developing integrity and spiritual wholeness in their sexuality.
Featured Articles & Posts
"In This Together: How to Win Against Pornography in Your Marriage"
Written by: Matthew Jacobson
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"Your Husband-- With Handcuffs?"
Written by: Dianna Gresh & Dr. Juli Slattery
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"I Caught My Husband Viewing Porn!"
Written by: Dr. David Hawkins
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“Why Your Resolution to Quit Porn Will Fail Miserably (and how to succeed instead)
Written by: Luke Gilkerson
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