Sexual Integrity- Spouse Support
To love one another is difficult in itself, yet to allow love to overcome the hurt, anger, fear, and loss that results from being betrayed by the one you love can seem downright impossible.
This section is dedicated to provide support, resources and scriptural truths to those trying to love someone who struggles with sexual integrity.

Common Things I Help With in My Office...
“I just found out about my spouses infidelity and my whole world is turned upside down.”
“I don’t know how I can ever trust my spouse again, yet I want to honor the commitment I made to God.”
“I’m worried that my spouse is being unfaithful and/or a potential risk to exploiting our children to inappropriate materials.”
“I feel guilty for judging my spouse when I know I’m not perfect either, yet I am just so angry at my spouse for doing this to us.”
Featured Readings
Shattered Vows: Hope and Healing for Women Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed, by Debra Laaser
Debra writes this book directly to the women struggling to support their spouse who has fallen to sexual sin. This book offers personal insight to an issue that leads women feeling so alone and isolated.
Every Heart Restored: A Wife’s Guide to Healing in the Wake of a Husband’s Sexual Sin, by Stoeker & Stoeker
In accordance to their other books, the Stoekers write this book for every woman who has become a casualty in the fight for sexual purity. Filled with stories from wives and husbands at every stage in the struggle for sexual purity, Every Heart Restored addresses the questions and real-life issues that matter to you most.
Open Hearts: Renewing Relationships with Recovery, Romance & Reality, by Carnes, Laaser & Laaser
Open Hearts is a book that a couple reads together, with the intention of having an honest, vulnerable look at themselves and the type of “dance” they have created by looking at the tougher issues and hurts, yet encourage the hope and true intimacy that exists when allowing love to prevail.
Featured Articles & Posts
​“Three Components of Healing”
Written by: Debbie Laaser
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“Confronting Your Spouse’s Secret Sin”
Written by: Rob Jackson
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“The LIES a Wife Believes Whose Husband is Addicted to Porn"
Written by: Freedom Begins Here staff writer
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